Medical & Radiation Physics, Inc.

J. Antonio Dominguez, M.S.
(now retired)
License and Specialty Certifications​
Texas Medical Physics License - MP0027
Certified by the American Board of Medical Physicists in Radiation Therapy Physics, 2001
Specialty Areas of Diagnostic Radiological Physics, Therapeutic Radiological Physics,
Medical Nuclear Physics, Medical Health Physics
M.S. Radiological Sciences, 1994, University of Texas Health Science Center Medical School, San Antonio, TX.
B.S. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 1979, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, N.L.
Professional Memberships and Committees
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Full member) - 1982
Calibration of superficial therapy equipment using x-rays energy from 60 kVp to 250 kVp.
Calibration of Cobalt-60 teletherapy machines. Calibration of megavoltage therapyequipment from 4 MV (Siemens, Varian), 6 MV x- ray beam (Varian) up to 18 MV, and 23MV x-ray beams (Varian, Siemens) as well as calibration of electron beams from linear accelerators.
The use of Therapy Simulators for treatment planning for Radiation Therapy.
Computer Treatment Planning for Radiation Therapy using ADAC, and ROCS computer systems.
The calibration of Ir-192 source for High Dose Rate Brachytherapy.
Calculation of dose for Interstitial and Intracavitary Implants using sealed radioactive sources.
Survey of diagnostic x-ray equipment performance.
Quality Control and acceptance testing for diagnostic x-ray equipment.
Thesis Research Topic: "Iridium-192 Radioactive Source Calibration for High Dose Rate Brachytherapy."